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Payment Methods

Pay in person

Pay cash or check in person at our branch office
Please call for appointment 30 minutes in advance, so that we can prepare relevant materials to save your valuable time

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday: 10:00 am to 7:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Sunday or Labor Holidays: office closed
Office closed during Black rainstorm warning or typhoon signal No. 8 or above

Credit Card & EPS

The following branches offer Credit Card & EPS payment services:
1. Lee Sum Branch, San Po Kong
2. Lee Chung Branch, San Po Kong
3. Prince Branch, San Po Kong
4. Victorious Branch, San Po Kong
5. Long Life Branch, Yau Tong
6. Mai Gar Branch, Kwun Tong
7. Fu Cheung Branch, Fo Tan
8. Young Ya Branch, Tsuen Wan
9. Grand Branch, Kwai Chung
10. Forda Branch, Yuen Long

Bank Transfer

Transfer through bank counter, ATM or online banking to the following account:
Bank Name : Hang Seng Bank
Account Name : Hong Kong Federal Storage and Logistics Ltd
Account Number: 789-665098-883

* After transfer, please send the bank record together with the storage number to our customer service officer via WhatsApp or email or fax, Please keep the record until you receive confirmation from our staff

Post Cheque

Payee: Hong Kong Federal Storage and Logistics Ltd
Please send the check to the following address: Unit A, 1/F, Lee Sum Factory Building, 23 Sze Mei Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon
* Please indicate your name, storage number and contact phone on the back of the cheque for follow up

For details, please call the hotline: 2633 3335
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